New Members All Ozark orders are charged a 2% fee for processing from Ozark (this money
goes directly to Ozark) plus a 5% processing fee by the Bahouli (this money goes to
the Co-op). All Frontier orders are charged an 8% processing fee (this money
goes directly to Frontier). An additional 5% fee is added to your Ozark order if you are not able to help
with the delivery process on Delivery Day. Catalogs For information on how to read the Ozark catalogs, click here. Split Orders Personal Orders To ease the order consolidation process, the Split List Coordinator generally puts all orders, both split and personal, in the full split list email. Please let the Split List Coordinator know if you do not want your personal order to appear on the email split list. Your Invoice Delivery If you are not able to help on Delivery Day, you will be charged an additional Bahouli order processing fee of 5%. Please click here to see a list of roles needed!